
Thursday, July 14, 2011

Following the Pied Piper

The real story is the 552,000 donors who gave to the Obama 2012 effort, "more grassroots support at this point in the process than any campaign in political history," said campaign manager Jim Messina in a video message to supporters. Messina said that 98 percent of donations last quarter were under $250, and that the average donation was $69.

That haul throws a huge bucket of cold water on claims that Obama is losing his liberal/Democratic base. Pollster James Zogby wrote in September 2009 that Democrats were souring on Obama after the health-insurance-reform fight and for his policies on the war in Afghanistan. Liberal TV host Ed Schultz told former White House press secretary Robert Gibbs last year that "you're losing your base." If Obama's donor rolls are any indication, the left appears to be just as motivated in the 2012 race as they were in 2008.

Of course, reams of polling data have been reinforcing this for months. According to Gallup polling, Obama's approval rating among Democrats has held steady at around 80 percent, give or take a few percentage points, since September of last year. Among liberals, Obama's doing almost as well, with approval ratings hovering around 70 percent; it's currently 76 percent.

So all that talk of Democrats and liberals sloughing off Obama? Nothing to it. Today's fundraising numbers prove Obama's still hugely popular, and that whomever the GOP picks to run against him will face the major undertaking of matching the powerful Obama fundraising machine.
~ from Obama Losing His Base? Here Are 552,000 Reasons Why That's Wrong by Andy Kroll ~
The statistics Kroll presents leave me absolutely dumbfounded. I simply can't wrap my head around the notion that 3/4 of liberals approve of what the president is doing. How can that be?

While Kroll paints this information in a positive light, I think it illustrates the exact opposite. It would seem that the sheeple have pulled the wool over their own eyes!

As I have tried my best to document over the past few weeks, Obama has been accomplishing many of the things Bush II could only dream of. He has been handing the Republicans victory after victory and, in some cases, giving them more than they even asked for. If so many liberals view these gifts as a good thing, then I guess liberalism has died.

Good riddance!

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