
Friday, July 15, 2011

ALEC Is Nothing New

The way the alternative press has lit up over the news that the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) is behind a lot of the draconian legislation being promoted and passed by GOP-dominated state legislatures would make one think they had discovered something new. They act as if learning this information changes everything and that an organization writing model legislation is earth shattering.

Well, I have news for all these pundits: This stuff happens all the time! All sorts of groups employ this strategy and have for years. The US Chamber of Commerce is famous for it. Peace and environmental groups do it. So do labor organizations and opponents of the death penalty. Gay rights groups and those who favor the legalization of marijuana have written model legislation for years.

The chief difference between most of these groups and ALEC (or the Chamber) is that the latter proves far more effective because they have the moneyed interests behind them. When you have the money, this equates to muscle and muscle can move mountains, particularly when you have already gotten many of your people a seat at the head table.

So, I'm a bit flummoxed at the stir the revelations concerning ALEC have generated. I consider this information to be really run-of-the-mill!

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