
Friday, June 17, 2011

Whatever Happened to Principles?

Oh, the irony! Target Corp., long locked in a battle with labor organizers, filmed a notorious internal anti-union video with union actors and under the jurisdiction of one of the biggest unions in the entertainment business.

The 13-minute film, posted by Gawker this week, was designed to dissuade workers from signing up to be represented by unions. A pair of smiling spokespeople dressed like Target employees -- "Maria" and "Doug" -- warn workers that, despite what they may have heard, a union is a "business," one that is greedy for dues and will not be able to deliver on promises of higher wages. As it turns out, the video was filmed under the jurisdiction of the American Federation of Television and Radio Artists (AFTRA), according to actor (and union member) Ric Reitz, who plays Target spokesman "Doug" in the film.

"If someone hires me to play a rapist, does it make me a rapist? You take the job, and you're an actor," says Reitz, a longtime member of AFTRA and the Screen Actors Guild. "Am I pro-union? Absolutely."
~ from Union Actor from Anti-Union Video Speaks Out by Justin Elliott ~
This just blows me away! I was ready to write a long diatribe on this story, but I am simply too flabbergasted.

Whatever happened to principles? What good are they if people sell them out so easily?

Addendum: Want to see the Anti-Union video for yourself? A copy is posted at

1 comment:

  1. Glen Beck and Bill O'Reilly are also members of AFTRA, but I expect them to sell outs. I'm sure this guy's rationalization was that if he didn't take the job someone else would, but so what!

    This makes my teeth hurt.


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