
Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Weather Log: May 2011

As with last month, this report is rather pedestrian when compared to the tornado that leveled my old hometown of Joplin, MO or any of the other deadly tornadoes and severe storms.

For the 8th consecutive month of this water year, we received above average precipitation. Normal rainfall for the month of May is 4.03" and we received 6.33". For the water year, we now stand at 123.32" which is over 4 feet ABOVE normal.

That figure truly boggles my mind. It makes me think that it is connected to global warming because we have had above average rainfall each of the 4 years we've lived in South Bend and each year surpasses the previous one by a significant amount.

While the local ecosystem has sopped up all the water better than many expected, it's hard to imagine that we could take much more. Unfortunately, if the present trend continues, this year may look like a drought compared to the amount we might receive 5 years from now!

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