
Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Take It Back

In 2009, for some inexplicable reason, Barack Obama was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize. It didn't make a lick of sense then and it certainly makes no sense now!

Since accepting the award, Obama has escalated the war in Afghanistan. He authorized the assassination of Osama Bin Laden and others, including an American citizen. He has increased the use of drone aircraft in Pakistan which has led to countless deaths of civilians. He has led the NATO attack against Libya. And now, according to Glenn Greenwald, he is pursuing another illegal war in Yemen.

Add to this the fact that his administration has done little to pressure the governments in Bahrain or Syria to quit murdering peaceful protesters and you see the visage of a president who is warlike, not a peace advocate.

If he was as principled as he would like us to believe, he would give back the Peace Prize of his own accord. That is very unlikely to happen, so I think we should start a people's campaign to request that the Nobel Committee rescind the award themselves. If he is allowed to go down in the annals of history as an advocate for peace, it denudes the word of any substantive meaning.

I mean, really. If he gets to keep it, why not posthumously award one to Attila the Hun or hand one out to George W. Bush?

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