
Friday, June 17, 2011

I Pledge Allegiance

I didn't fall off of the apple cart yesterday. I understand the way politics works -- you support the members of your political party...even when they do the most outlandish things. The margin for error or misstep is razor thin for members of opposition parties, but as wide as the Grand Canyon for anyone on your side of the aisle.

But there must come a time when your commitment to the rule of law and ethics must trump party solidarity. There should be times when you are willing to call out your own comrades when they say or do things that patently are illegal or cause great harm to people and the planet. To invoke party solidarity at these points of history is a sign of brazen cowardice and moral bankruptcy.

President Obama -- just like his immediate predecessor in other arenas -- is breaking the law and violating the constitution in numerous ways, most notably in the sustained bombing of Libya. Every Democratic Party representative and senator who acquiesces and runs interference for this unlawful act becomes just as complicit as the president.

While there have been times in which I have strongly disagreed with a position taken by Rep. Dennis Kucinich, I tip my hat to him in regards to Libya. By taking the principled stand he has taken -- including filing a lawsuit against the president -- shows great fortitude and courage.

He certainly isn't doing it out of his own political self-interest. His acts may very well spell the end of his political career in Washington as his own party leadership may pull out all the stops to try to push him out of office.

While a few other Democrats bravely have decided to stand with Kucinich, most of the them have thrown their lot in with the president AGAINST the constitution -- you know, that document they swore to uphold? They have decided to turn their backs on the American people in order to stay in good favor with a leader who has placed himself above the law.

Sadly, their allegiance is grossly misplaced!

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