
Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Derivations on a Theme -- A Bit of Yin, A Bit of Yang

Brandon, via his blog, Moccasin's PCT Hike, continues to provide readers with periodic updates on the progress he is making as he hikes from the southern California border to Canada. In today's post, Big Bear Lake, he wrote of the travails of weather and blisters. He finished off the post with these observations:
The trail provides. Sure great to be indoors, as the weather continues to be freezing and it's currently raining out. We have showers, much food, movies, coffee. We all love the hiking, the mountains, all of that, but all of that makes us also love town more too.
I don't know about you, but this paragraph could aptly describe our lives, in general. Tao provides. For all of our love for doing some things, these activities make us love other activities too.

The last line of the quoted snippet made me think of the concept of yin and yang. Hiking in the wilds could be viewed as yang. Taking a break in town would be its yin. Taken together, they represent two aspects of one life.

One is not better than the other. Each one leads to the other and makes the other more productive and meaningful. Sounds to me like a great way to embrace life with both hands.

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