
Monday, May 2, 2011

Afternoon Matinee

On the heels of my week-long Ode to Easter posts of various videos, it sparked the idea to launch a new feature. So, at 4:30 PM on most days, I will post one of the interesting videos I've found on a wide variety of topics. This video series will be called Afternoon Matinee.

This is certainly not to suggest that any and all videos I post will be confined to this one time period on any given day. For example, most of the Keith Olbermann videos will continue to be posted in the late evening or early morning hours.

I would guess that most of the chosen videos I post will be ones of which I agree -- wholly or in part -- with the perspective or position proffered. I'm sure there will be times in which I decide to post a video that I strongly disagree with and those will be so noted.

The purpose of the Afternoon Matinee predominantly will be to present ideas on contemporary topics. Hopefully, some or all of them will provide readers with food for thought.

If you have videos you'd like to share, leave a link in each day's comments section.

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