
Wednesday, April 20, 2011

War Powers

Several members of Congress are making a big deal out of the fact that yet another president has thrust us into a war WITHOUT a Congressional declaration of war. While I agree that ANY president that has or will defy the US Constitution in this manner SHOULD be impeached -- including Barack Obama -- most of these representatives are making a lot of noise for little reason.

If Obama had gone to Congress -- as the constitution stipulates -- who thinks they wouldn't have agreed to declare war or give him the go ahead? Even Rep. Dennis Kucinich admits that a majority in Congress would have gone along with it. So, while I certainly agree with the constitutional law angle, the end result wouldn't have looked much different.

Even now, Congress COULD stop US aggression in Libya (and anywhere else) dead in its tracks. Congress controls the purse strings and, if enough Senators and Representatives wanted to send the White House a strong message, they could vote to cut-off funding. But you and I know they aren't going to do that, so they have given their tacit approval to this imperialistic action.

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