
Saturday, April 23, 2011

Shock Doctors Salivate Over Japan

Sometimes, when reading a news report, a sentence or two that has little to do with the main thesis of the article is what jumps out at you. This happened to me just now as I was reading "No End in Sight for Nuclear Catastrophe in Japan" at Common Dreams. The majority of the text dealt with the ongoing nuclear emergency, but what caught my attention was this.
[Secretary of State] Clinton pledged steadfast support for Japan in the face of "a multidimensional crisis of unprecedented scope".

Japan and the US announced the creation of a public-private partnership to spearhead reconstruction. "We wish to enhance co-operation between Japan and American businesses," Clinton said...
Isn't this how the shock doctors of Corporate America always seem to view crises? As Naomi Klein so eloquently pointed out in The Shock Doctrine: The Rise of Disaster Capitalism, a disaster always has the potential to be a huge windfall for some corporations. What Clinton was saying, in essence, is that US corporations will now be at the head of the line to be awarded huge reconstruction contracts paid for, of course, by Japanese taxpayers.

In the coming weeks and months -- even as the headlines fade and the mainstream media moves on to other B-I-G stories -- I will endeavor to keep a close watch on the situation in Japan and report on it here. We are being granted the opportunity to watch disaster capitalism unfold right before our eyes. It will be interesting to see just how well Klein has described what is sure to unfold in Japan.

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