We constantly hear about the mainstream media's so-called "liberal" slant. But as this video report shows (I originally watched it at RealityZone), the cable news channel recognized as the most left leaning -- MSNBC -- has a history of being pro-war. So much for liberalism!
For about 23 years or so, CNN had a political program named Crossfire. The way the show supposedly worked is that there were two hosts: one represented the right and the other the left. While the hosts on right were bona fide conservatives, the hosts on the so-called left were laughable to most leftists. I'm sorry, but people like Michael Kinsley, Paul Begala and James Carville are most identified with the center or pseudo-liberalism, NOT the left!
If the show had been true to its mission, they should have nabbed Cornel West, Bernie Sanders, Barbara Ehrenreich, Molly Ivins or Noam Chomsky! Unfortunately, in the world of the mainstream media, what passes as left-leaning too often is pro-war and pro-corporate agenda!
Very true. Caught Bernie Sanders on Bill Maher last night. My favorite politician.