
Saturday, December 11, 2010

Wish Me Luck

I will be upgrading my operating system today to Linux Mint 10. I'm not anticipating any problems, but you never know. I'm keeping my fingers crossed.


  1. Mint is a very nice distro; I'm on a Mac, but I run W7 and several distros in VMs on my machine. You'll like it. Bon chance!

  2. As I know you've used Debian and you're open to some reading and tinkering I'd still push you towards LMDE (Linux Mint Debian Edition).

    It is a rolling release so once installed you never need install again.

    Every time you update the system using Mint Update then you have the very latest available. No need to reinstall when the new version comes along.

    I recently changed my wife's system to LMDE and it did take a little more set up than LM10 but once done it is done.

    Good luck whatever you choose.


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