
Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Some Thoughts on Chapter 6, Verses 22-23

As was posted yesterday afternoon:
Though the enemy be stronger in numbers, we may prevent him from fighting. Scheme so as to discover his plans and the likelihood of their success. Rouse him, and learn the principle of his activity or inactivity. Force him to reveal himself, so as to find out his vulnerable spots.
While the Art of War concerns itself mainly with armies and, of course, the conduct of war, these verses really jumped out at me viz-a-viz what is going on in this country right now.

I tend to use the phrase "the vast majority" a lot to describe the mass of people residing in the US and, sometimes, the entire world. WE outnumber the politicians and egregiously rich by a staggering amount. The chief purpose of modern "democratic" government is to keep us on the defensive and to prevent us from demanding those basic ideals we need to survive and/or thrive.

Many of the measures recently adopted by our elected leaders -- the so-called Patriot Act being just one -- are attempts to keep us under thumb and to discover what we may be up to before we can get really organized. They want to thwart any efforts in their infancy which, as Sun Tzu points out, is a strategy to prevent a fight before it occurs.

By constantly spying on us, government is searching for our vulnerabilities. Once they figure out what these are, they exploit them to the max. If people are worried about jobs, the ruling elite points a jaded finger at illegal immigrants. If the vast majority is worried about security, the government manufactures security risks. If folks are concerned about the inefficiency of our woeful health care system, they trot out the erroneous specter of "death panels."

In case after case, the oligarchy figures out what kind of misinformation will divert our attention sufficiently to push us off track and, embarrassingly enough, the vast majority falls for this tried and true tactic time and time again.


  1. Unlike in countries like North Korea and Myanmar, we are enslaved not physically, but mentally. We are kept constantly afraid. This is because of course the leaders know we vastly outnumber them, could sweep them away like a tsunami. I go back and forth, depending on my mood and such, as to whether there's a big conspiracy between news media and governing types. It doesn't really matter. Whether is it planned, or simply taken advantage of, the result is the same

    But one thing Iraq has shown us is that a determined insurgency, rooted in the masses, can prevail against even the armies of a superpower. You cannot kill every civilian, especially when the idea is to conquer them, then make money off of them. I'm not suggesting violence (just yet, anyways). But we have only to stand together against our oligarchy and we will have won from the start. POWER TO THE PEOPLE!

  2. I feel it is undoubtedly the case that what we call wisdom is used by the few to control the many.

    As for the solution to this it is to drop-out. Refuse the news, to be lead by the manufactured flow. Live to the true simple oneness, simply, recognizing wonder in life itself and not that side-show called reality.

    The fix is to not fix. To see that fixing was the cause of the mess. Sit back and the splashes and ripples will subside.


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