
Thursday, December 2, 2010

Question: Which Is Worse?

In 1 Kings, Chapter 13, we find a very odd story. An unnamed prophet -- identified solely as "a man of God" -- provides a prophesy to Jeroboam. God has instructed the unnamed prophet not to tarry, eat nor drink in Jeroboam's land. The prophet refuses Jeroboam's invitation to stay with him and feast.

As the prophet leaves, he is approached by another unnamed prophet, denoted as an "old" prophet. The old prophet lies to the first one and says that God told him that it was alright for the first prophet to stay, eat and drink. Deceived by the old prophet's deception, the first prophet stays.

So, who do you think God punishes with death? The deceiver or the deceived?

In a weird twist, God punishes the prophet who was deceived and nary a word is mentioned about a punishment for the prophet who lied.

Does this make a lick of sense? Is this consistent with the 10 commandments?

To see what other questions I've asked about the Christian Bible, go here.


  1. makes sense. the "man of God," if he were truly that, would know a message from God from a lie. The fact that he didn't was a sign of his unrighteousness.

    Just a guess ;)

  2. But the other fellow was a Jewish prophet too, someone who had a direct line into God. If someone you trust tells you something, why wouldn't you believe them?


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