
Monday, December 13, 2010

Like a Sponge

The forecast for this autumn and winter on the southwest Washington coast is for above average precipitation. So far this water year (starts on October 1), we're already about 16" ABOVE normal and normal around here is damn wet anyway. Yesterday we received nearly 3 1/2 inches of rain.

Over the next 6 weeks or so, we would typically receive over 18" of precip, most of it in the form of the clear wet stuff. However, at the rate we're going, I won't be surprised at all if we receive 24", 30" or more!!

Like a busy airport with planes waiting to takeoff, we have a slew of storms out in the Pacific lined up one right after the other. Most of them are aimed directly at us. So, rain seems to be in our forecast for the next several weeks.

As I've mentioned before, it amazes me how our environment here just soaks up copious amounts of rain like a sponge. Sure, we do experience some minor flooding here and there, but it's rarely anything major.

If the amounts of rain we are prone to receive fell in the Midwest, Atlanta, Phoenix or New York City, it would represent a major catastrophe. Thousands or millions of people would be in jeopardy. Entire communities or regions would be buried under feet of water. And the mainstream media would cover it all 24/7 for weeks on end.

It hardly registers a mention here. It is all part of a typical winter. Some years -- like this year -- we are inundated more than usual, but there are no catastrophes...just bigger puddles and wetter feet.

It's a lesson in the way of the Way.

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