
Saturday, September 11, 2010

Tao Bible - Exodus 20:8

Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy.
~ King James version ~

No day is more special than any other.
~ possible Taoist alternative ~
This is the fourth of the biblical commandments. Because God rested on the 7th day of the creation sequence, he declares that we should do this too in remembrance of him.

Time is a human construct. While rest is indeed a part of the process of the cosmos, it should be undertaken when it is appropriate to the situation, not by some arbitrary standard.

If you're interested in reading more from this experimental series, go to the Tao Bible Index page.

1 comment:

  1. I think that a better Taoist alternative might be something my mother (a Christian) taught me when I was very young: "Keep balance in all things."

    It is important to have times for rest, times for work, and times for play. It is especially important to keep these things in balance, and to keep from excess in all these things as well.


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