
Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Question: Why That Smell?

I am currently working my way through the Book of Exodus for the Tao Bible series. However, in just this short amount of time, I've already run across several instances of the god figure directing humans to kill animals and then burn them. And why does the almighty want animals burned? Because he likes the smell of burning flesh!!

Does god have a nose?

Why would a so-called perfect being need ANYTHING from humankind? I mean, if the burning flesh of animals is so intoxicating, couldn't he simply conjure up this smell on his own? Couldn't he create a virtual burning?

What does this god have against livestock anyway? Why doesn't he ever request the burning of bears, lions or crocodiles?

To see what other questions I've asked about the Christian Bible, go here.


  1. On a related note, I've always wondered why God rejected the grain (and produce?) that Cain offered to him in the book of Genesis.

    Especially when the Israelites later on made burnt offerings of grains, which God accepted.

    So strange.

  2. Now he only asks for an iPod


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