
Wednesday, September 15, 2010

It's My Money

I'm sitting there watching the boob tube and ad comes on for some bank. I'm not really paying attention to what the voice-over guy is yammering on about, but it did cause me to think about the banking concept a bit.

Various banks beg people to deposit their money with the particular institution. If an individual decides he or she will deposit their money there, how does the bank say thank you? By charging the person fees to withdraw their own money!

A lot of banks have monthly account fees. This represents an amount that is deducted each month from your account for providing the bank with the opportunity to hold your money for you. Even worse, some banks have ATM fees which means they charge you and me a fee for accessing our own money.

If you stop to think about it for more than a nanosecond, that's crazy. But we all put up with it. I guess that means we're crazier than they are! :-D

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