
Saturday, September 11, 2010

If I Was Running for Elective Office

Here, in the US, we're entering the aggressive political campaign season leading up to Election Day on Tuesday, November 2. Between now and then, the public airwaves will be cram packed with political advertisements, most of them negative attacks on the opponent[s]. Candidates will grant interviews, attend fundraisers and give speeches in which voters will learn very little about what the candidate genuinely stands for and believes in.

I am not running for public office this year, though I have 3 times before (twice on the Social Party ticket in Oregon for Congress and Governor, and once in a nonpartisan race for a seat on a local transportation board). However, if I was a candidate, here are some things about me that you might want to know.
  • I am a lifelong pacifist.
  • I am a vegetarian.
  • I am an environmentalist and human rights advocate.
  • I am autistic.
  • I am a free thinker.
  • I believe that each person must ply their own path.
  • I embrace the philosophy of Taoism
  • I believe each being has intrinsic worth.
  • I am a feminist.
  • I am pro-queer.
  • I support the legalization of marijuana and prostitution.
  • I love to read, write and contemplate about the fundamental questions of life.
  • I wear my heart on my sleeve and I'm not ashamed to cry.
  • I love rock 'n roll music (as well as folk, Celtic, classical, big band and even a bit of bluegrass)
  • I loathe country music (with only a few exceptions).
  • I don't believe in God.
  • I am no fan of religion.
  • I oppose war.
  • I oppose nuclear and chemical weapons and I think landmines should be banned.
  • If I had my way, personal gun ownership would be outlawed.
  • I oppose the death penalty.
  • While I am not a "fan" per se of abortion, I am ardently pro-choice.
  • I oppose capitalism with a passion.
Of course, that doesn't cover everything about me, but I think it's enough to insure I would never be elected for something as small as the PTA or dog catcher!


  1. Definitely not enough hate, dishonesty and insanity to be a public official. If they ever start 'official' witch hunts again I would keep my head down though.

  2. i'd vote for you :) the only thing i disagree with you on is the personal gun ownership, and although i "oppose" capitalism i also "oppose" socialism.

    but pretty much if you are non-christian and non-democrat/republican, you will never get into a position of power. :(


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