
Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Burn Baby, Burn

I'm sure most of you are aware that there's a fundamentalist Christian church in Florida that plans to burn Quran's this Saturday as a weird sort of commemoration for 9/11. Various interfaith groups have come out against it. The National Association of Evangelicals is against. Even Gen. David Petraeus thinks the whole idea is ill-advised.

Of course, the leader of this church wants everybody to know that this event isn't about hate. No, no, no. Far from it. He simply wants to expose the inherent evil of Islam.

A lot of people are wondering WHY these folks are so hellbent on stirring up a hornet's nest. Don't they realize that this action is bound to tick off Muslims the world over? Don't they know that this sort of activity can be used as great propaganda by the Taliban? Can't they fathom that they are inviting a "terrorist" attack as an act of revenge?

Personally, I think they understand all these things. As a charismatic church, much of their focus is on Armageddon, the rapture and the end times. My guess is that, like many others of this genre, they simply want to help the process along! They are ready to be transported to heaven and so they are trying to light the flame of World War III.

I do realize that there is another reasonable and possible explanation as well. The leader of this church simply is a hateful doofus. He is so blinded by his hate that he can't think straight. He's unable to put two and two together.

While I can certainly understand why many -- including the Muslim world -- are outraged, I think the best way to deal with these hatemongers is to ignore them! I'm confident that they are basking in the glow of this controversy and are using it to recruit more hateful members. If the rest of us -- including the mainstream media -- didn't pay them any heed, their actions would be nothing more than a teeny blip on the radar screen.

[Note: I purposely did not mention the name of the church nor the name of their pastor simply because I don't wish to publicize their animus any more than is necessary.]


  1. Book burning is never a good idea. Ironic that you write this on the day you announce your book giveaway winners!

  2. That is too funny!!

    I should have announced that I was burning the 3 books and would send the ashes to the "winners". :-D

  3. In response, I plan on reading the Quran on 9/11. Books should be read, not burned or banned, even if you do not agree with them. I came out of a fundamentalist/evangelical Christian background, and know very well their fear which breeds illogical and harmful actions against not only others, but themselves also.

  4. Cooking books is always about fear, hate and anger...

    "fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate, hate leads to suffering" - another fundamentalist religion.


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