
Friday, September 17, 2010

Birthday Present to Myself

My birthday is about 5 weeks away (October 25). I usually don't do anything special. This year, however, I'm pulling out all the stops! It's going to be a big shindig and I expect I'll be out of it a good deal of the time.

For my birthday present to myself, I'm going under the surgeon's knife.

My ailing right shoulder has been getting worse and worse. Tonight I broke down and took some pain medication. For me, that's a big step. I've got to be in serious pain before I will consider taking ANYthing. I also have it wrapped in an icepack. Despite these two measures, it still hurts like the dickens.

It's getting to the point in which every movement of my neck or arm sends searing pain into the area near my rotator cuff. Typing these posts for the blog hurts. Of course, not typing these posts hurts too. Sleeping is becoming more difficult because, anytime I move during the night, the pain tends to wake me up.

I had hoped to put this surgery off for a while. Though I'm no fan of being cut on, the surgery itself isn't what I was trying to avoid. No, I'm not looking forward to the 6 - 9 month recovery period.

At this point, however, my concern about the long recovery period is waning simply because I want my shoulder to stop hurting so damn much. I just hope I can make it through the next 5 weeks!


  1. Good luck and I hope the surgery goes smoothly! You'll be in my thoughts.

  2. hoping a speedy recovery is headed your way. surgeries are no fun- i wouldn't consider them to be a "present"... but living with pain is really tough. i hope you'll let the doctors and nurses give you pain medication to take during the recovery period, trust me it really helps. i tried to tough it out for the surgery on my ankle, and made the lives around me miserable for it because i was so crabby. after childbirth i said "to hell with it" and took enough pain meds to feel semi-comfortable. and i was able to enjoy life without the pain there as a constant drag on my sanity.

  3. Thanks, Lydia.

    Iktomi, don't worry. I'll take the pain meds for the 1st week or so. Within 2 days after surgery, I will have to start range-of-motion exercises and I've been told the pain from these will be too excruciating UNLESS one takes the prescribed pain meds. Not performing the exercises could lead to a "frozen shoulder" and I certainly don't want that!! :-)


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