
Thursday, August 12, 2010

Pass Me the Ajax Cleanser

Well, we knew going in that once Arizona passed it's anti-immigration laws that it would represent the tip of an iceberg. Now, according to this article posted on, some folks in Florida are proposing even tougher standards.
Florida's attorney general on Wednesday promised to introduce laws emulating - and exceeding - the draconian clampdown on undocumented immigrants recently attempted by Arizona.

The proposed legislation would put the sunshine state at the forefront of the anti-immigrant moves rapidly sweeping across the US.

Architects of the plans boast they will be the harshest anti-illegal immigration laws yet, a claim that could have an incendiary effect in Florida given the state's high proportion of Latinos.

Bill McCollum, Florida's attorney general, is the main proponent of the clampdown. He said the legislation would "provide new enforcement tools for protecting our citizens and will help our state fight the on-going problems created by illegal immigration. Florida will not be a sanctuary state for illegal aliens."

Under the proposals, police would be required to investigate the immigration status of anyone they stopped whom they suspected of being illegally in the country. Any suspects lacking papers would be liable to up to 20 days in jail after which time they would be handed over to the immigration services for deportation...
Needless to say, I find these proposed regulations barbaric. They enshrine racism to their very core.

On the flip side, however, I do see one glimmering silver lining: the rich will get to learn how to scrub toilets! Not only that, but the well-to-do also will get to know intimately what it's like to do all those "trivial" jobs that they pay undocumented immigrants to do at cut-rate prices.

While passage of such laws will exact a terrible human toll, I really don't think the wealthy have thought this through. Illegal immigrants do the work that all of us pampered Americans will not do. They pick our crops, slaughter our meat, cut our grass and wipe the snot off of our children's noses. And they do it for next too nothing!

If they expect average white-blooded Americans to do the same work, we will expect far higher wages, lunch and bathroom breaks, and better environmental standards. And, heaven forbid, if they can't find enough out-of-work white boys and girls to do the work, they may be forced to do it themselves! Yuck!!

I bet a few days of cleaning their own toilets will bring about a sudden change of heart!

1 comment:

  1. At the rate the middle class is disolving as the rich take more control the absense of illegals will provide more lower paying jobs for the defunked middle class.


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