
Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Before We Get Underway

Later this morning, we will set off on our long journey through the Tao Te Ching line by line. Before we board the train, I wanted to add a little bit more to my introductory notes.

I don't want anyone to misunderstand the mode of travel. While it is true that I will be serving as the conductor on this train, please don't confuse me with the engineer! The fuel that will propel our train forward are the words, thoughts and concepts of the mythic Lao Tzu. The ancient sage will be assisted by various firemen -- people far more learned than the silly conductor!

In preparing each day's post, I will be studying several books that will assist me in drawing out points and underlining differences in translation and/or interpretation. While some of the things I write will well up from my being -- my personal take on the message of the line[s] conveyed -- much of it will also come from many other authors and, of course, this will be noted.

If you are interested, here's the list of books that I am taking with me as we slowly move our way down the tracks.
There will be other books that I'm sure I will reference as well and a few more I hope to purchase in the next 12 months. There will also be books checked out from my local library and many online sources too. However, unlike the original series on the TTC, I'm going to try to keep each day's post short and so you won't find any long quotes from anyone.

If you know of a book or online resource that has helped you in your journey with the TTC, I'm ALWAYS open to suggestions. You can note it in the comments section or drop me a line.

I'd write more, but the engineer is giving me the signal that this train is about to depart the station. So, grab your bags and let me punch your ticket. Sit wherever you like. Hope you enjoy the trip.

All Aboard!!

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