
Saturday, July 17, 2010

Prince of Darkness

For those individuals who believe there is a malevolent being or force in the universe -- Satan, the devil -- who spends his time trying to trick we weak humans into doing his dirty work, I have a question: How would a person be able to know when they are hearing the Word of God or the Word of the Prince of Darkness?

I pose this question because, on a variety of blogs I frequent, the ever faithful like to charge the heretics (yes, I'm one of these) with falling under Satan's spell whenever we point out inconsistencies or contradictions in the bible OR we write anything that doesn't meet the commenter's standard for being a saved or pious person.

You see, from my humble perspective, if the devil can take on ANY form and can make anyone think he is something that he is not, it creates quite a problem. It COULD mean that the real author of the bible itself is the malevolent imp -- he's simply impersonating God and you fell for it! It COULD mean that, when you hit your knees in prayer each night and you hear a soft voice directing you to do this or that, the voice you THINK is God or Jesus is the other guy!

Yes, I know that you think you are able to discern the difference, but that's what he wants you to think! He's got you so wrapped around his finger that you don't know whether you're coming or going.

Just something to think about the next time you have a parlay with your creator. Are you really conversing with your god or...


  1. The voices are known by their fruits--the results of their urgings.

    Madness lies down every other road.

    Also madness lies down that one, but unlike with the others, it is not inevitable.

    Through practical experience one generates a theory; then again through experience one tests it. Faith itself is not a science. However, developing the judgment whereby one chooses what to have faith in can be a scientific process.

  2. But what if the "fruits" are manipulated to bear a certain result? But what if your "practical experience" is impacted (unbeknownst to you) by the dark knight?

    What if everything you know, think and experience has been concocted in such a way as to make you THINK it has passed the test?

  3. Rock and roll wisdom come to mind:

    "Please allow me to introduce myself
    I'm a man of wealth and taste
    Been around for a long, long year,
    Stole many a man's soul and faith...

    Pleased to meet you,
    hope you guess my name.
    But what's puzzling you is
    the nature of my game."
    --Rolling Stones, "Sympathy for the Devil"

    "You know sometimes Satan
    comes as a man of peace."
    --Bob Dylan, "Man of Peace"


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