
Sunday, June 6, 2010

Those Unintended Consequences

For the first time in a long time, it didn't rain at all during the day yesterday. In fact, it was quite sunny and warm. It was the first day of this year in which the temperature exceeded the 70 degree mark!

So, I spent a good part of the day out in my native garden weeding. Not wishing to repeat a problem I had the previous year -- sunburn on my scalp -- I went outside with a ball cap on my head. I also wore long sleeves and my overalls to protect my limbs from the ultraviolet rays. I even kept repositioning my stool to ensure my face wasn't in direct sunlight.

With all these precautions, I was confident that I would not fall prey to sunburn -- and, of course, I was wrong!

I paid attention to all my exposed parts save one: the back of my neck. This small area of my body is about as red as a stoplight! (I'm treating it with aloe vera jelly.)

Not only did I get a sunburn, but this afternoon I have to go up to our local hospital to receive a tetanus shot booster. I was pulling yard staples out of yet another tarp used to kill grass when one of them flew up and scraped the back of my right thumb. It's really a teeny tiny abrasion, but the staple is rusty and it's been in the ground for several months. The organism that causes lockjaw resides in soil and tends to cling to rusty objects.

Since it's been over 5 years since my last booster, my family doctor strongly suggested that getting one would be a good precautionary measure. While the chance that I could come down with lockjaw is remote, it can be a real nasty condition and the mortality rate for those untreated is between 25 - 50%. In this case, I'd rather be safe than woefully sorry!

With all my various physical ailments, I was trying to be very careful yesterday. Still, the lesson here is that each time we let down our guard just a little, those unintended consequences seem to crop up.


  1. HI RT-

    Good choice to get the tetanus shot/booster - ya - better safe that sorry, as you wrote.

    I also just wanted to say "hi". I have been around but sparse as I ride the storm of my Mom's illness.

    Come visit, whenever, k?

    Love to you\
    peace and hope

  2. Gail,
    I continue to visit regularly. I just don't leave as many comments as before. I realize you're dealing with a lot of stress re your mom's illness and empathy is NOT my strong suit. So, I've decided that, rather than write something that most likely may come off wrong, it's better to read and stay quiet.

  3. Seems the way it works, Trey. :)

    I don't get out much these days. Two weeks ago we had a big family outing to a Reds baseball game. I was excited. Worried about how I would manage, but I was determined to make it all work.

    I have had skin cancer so I use sunscreen when I go out for long periods of time. Arms, neck. Well covered. I had a hat on so I didn't put any on my face. Besides it bothers my skin.

    Well.........welcome to Bruce the raccoon. White skin where the glasses were and lobster red everywhere else. Evidently I spent a lot of time looking up while taking pictures.......and that's what did me in. Now my skin is peeling.

    What is a native garden?


  4. But did the Reds win that day? (The baseball team, that is.)

    I skipped a word. It should have a read a native PLANT garden. We're slowly replacing our grass with native plants like columbine, salmonberry, bear berry, camas, etc.

  5. The Reds didn't win. :(


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