
Saturday, June 5, 2010

New Voices Along the Path XVII

I'm continuing to try to catch up on all the new links added to the Taoist Wanderers section in the right sidebar. In addition, it should be noted that I have removed some of the links to older, inactive blogs -- this information is still retained in my Tao Links spreadsheet. As always, anyone interested in a copy of the spreadsheet can contact me and I'll be happy to send it along.

American Taoist
I’m going to use this blog to try and convert of the more worthwhile thoughts I come up with into a more permanent and easily accessible medium. The focus of these thoughts will be questions I have or conclusions I come to for living a modern American life as a Taoist, and how following the Tao can apply to the average every day person.

I’m Kevin O’Neil, a human in Southern Oregon who spends much time practicing acupuncture, working with Chinese herbs, and studying alchemy and Daoism, while staying on the edge of tech. With tendencies towards introversion, but an academic passion for sharing and helping increase knowledge, I am blogging to keep a ‘live’ conversation going about the these things.

Divine Tao
Taoism includes basic principles or "theories" regarding the body, diet, breathing and physical exercises, uses of herbs, philosophical inquiry and, of course, meditation. The Taoist is in a constant process of transformation, knowing that balance is an ongoing process of coming into closer alignment with the "natural order".

Nothing Just Is
Nothing just is is an assertion: Nothing is what it is. It is a rejection of a certain sort of simplicity: There is more to something than what it claims to be; and simplistic accepted truths must be subject to the same skepticism as complex conjecture. This is not simple contrarianism so much as it is a guard against the assumption. More precisely, it is a prompt to seek how something came to be understood as it is, and even how something comes to understand itself as it does.

My name is Mike Bigtime, and this blog is called Paperdubs. A woman at Blockbuster thought it meant that I was rolling on twenty inch rims made of paper. That was not correct, but it was entertaining. This blog was going to be focused on music, but I have decided against that. Instead, it will hold my thoughts on several topics, including things like music, science and skepticism, books, Taoism, my new-found interest in minimalism, Robert E. Howard’s Conan, my attempts at self-improvement, tools that I enjoy using, and more. Some of it will be inspired, but most of it will be banal. I love discussion and will respond to the best of my ability to any comments or e-mails I receive.

Siu Tao
You want to learn about the Tao or you already know a lot, but you need more...Here's how to get it! May be you know a lot about Tao, but what does it exactly mean? organized by Taoists with the purpose of providing information about Tao. allows you to read all the articles about Tao. Want to solve your puzzle or share your opinion? Visit the Discussion Area. We hope by visiting, You can obtain a knowledge what Tao really is.

Taoist Arts Center
The Taoist Arts Center was established in New York City in 1990 out of a long term commitment to practicing the internal arts and creating a vibrant community where people can learn about the internal arts and share what they know. Our students come from all walks of life and from all backgrounds. We invite you to come by and check us out.

Taoist Online
A site with loads of information and a blog plus Taoist-related items for sale.

The Dude De Ching
Dudeism is a religion deeply inspired by The Big Lebowski, as well as several other traditions that predate Lebowski - most particularly: Taoism, Zen Buddhism, American Transcendentalism and humanism. However, it is not affiliated with the film in any way.

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