
Wednesday, June 16, 2010

A Friendly Reminder

I realize that many readers have not read the introductory post to the Daodejing - Other Voices series. It's the nature of blogs for people to come and go or for regular readers to skip a day every now and then. So, if you missed out on the explanation for this ongoing series, allow me to let you in on one key point: Neither Scott nor I authored ANY of these posts.

I mention this because, in the comments section, several of you have left remarks like, "You bring up a great point..." or "I agree/disagree with you..." or "You really nailed it..." The problem is that the "you" that many of you reference is not me (or Scott). The ONLY role I play is in selecting the posts themselves. If you would like to address the author, you need to utilize the link at the bottom of each quoted post. Said link goes to the original version on the author's blog or website.

The key motivation behind this series is to expose readers to the words and thoughts of others. In fact, it's something I pride myself on -- not being so myopic that I think that what I or Scott writes is the end all, be all of philosophical Taoism!

We're just two humble fellas who each realize that our individual voice is one among many. While we are certainly pleased that you have chosen to read -- and, hopefully, think about -- our musings, we are just as pleased when you contemplate the words and insights of other people following their own individual paths through life.

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