
Saturday, May 22, 2010

The Wanderings - The Pebbles

While they were passing through the Great City of Wen, word spread quickly of the arrival of these two sages, and a great multitude came out to greet them before they could slip away. Entreating the sages to stay and instruct them, they pressed them about on every side, pawing and jostling them in hopes of a blessing. Fearing that they be held captive, Chen Jen consented to instruct them under a nearby tree.

“You are our great teachers! Greater than the teachers of Li!” the crowd began to chant. “Teach us now, our Masters!”

To this Chen Jen responded: “You are greatly mistaken! Before ever we set foot in this city you already possessed the greatest teachers under heaven.”

“Show us then, these teachers!” shouted the crowd.

Thereupon Chen Jen reached down to the ground about the tree and scooped up a handful of pebbles. Showing them to the crowd he shouted: “Behold Heaven’s own great teachers! Each one come and find his teacher; there are enough for all!”

“But these are mere pebbles!” yelled the crowd.

“Indeed,” replied Chen Jen, “and you are mere men. But unlike these pebbles you do not understand how to be just what you are.

The river does not debate how to find the sea.
Birds fly and deer run.
The raven does not envy the stork its long legs.
Nor does the stork yearn for the raven’s black.

Come. Take a pebble and from it learn wholeness and harmony.”

At this the crowd laughed in derision and shouted, “You are no sages! You would make us the laughing-stock of Li. Get on with you and leave us in peace!”

Thereupon Chen Jen and Tzu-yu passed out of the city laughing merrily all the way.

This post is part of a series. To view the index, go here.

1 comment:

  1. I have read at least half of that before as attributed to Chuang Tzu.


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