
Sunday, May 23, 2010

Tao Book Giveaway - June

For years, whenever Della and I moved, a good deal of the stuff we lugged around from one residence to the next were boxes upon boxes of books. About four years ago, I realized how stupid this was. Books are written to be read, not to sit on a shelf gathering dust. So, we gave away approximately three-fourths of our collection.

Books were chosen for giveaway from all topics and subjects save one: my collection of books related to Taoism. And so, I have placed several of these books on shelves where they have begun to gather dust!

To rectify this situation, I've chosen three of these books to give away; one each in June, July and August. Rather than tote them down to my local library -- where they each would likely gather MORE dust -- I've decided to offer them to you, my readers. I figure that since you take time from your day to visit here, you are far more likely to read a F-R-E-E book on this overall topic.

Here's how it's going to work: Anyone interested in the book of the month needs to contact me in one of two ways: a) You can note your interest in the Comments section of this post OR b) You can send me an email.

If none of you are interested in the featured book, it goes back on my bookshelf...with the dust. If ONLY one person is interested, then that person gets the book. If two or more individuals express interest, then I will write each name on its own slip of paper and, at the appropriate time, I will draw one name and that person gets the book. Once I obtain your mailing address (anywhere in the world), I will mail you the book and it is yours to keep for as long as you want.

With that out of the way, the featured book for June is When the Shoe Fits: Stories of the Taoist Mystic Chuang Tzu by Osho. This book is a paperback and spans 264 pages. Here's some information from
“Only that which is attained through effortlessness will never be a burden to you.” That is the message of the renowned Indian philosopher Osho, one of the 10 people (others include Gandhi, Nehru, and Buddha) said to have changed the very destiny of his nation. This previously little-known study — a true classic of interpretation — presents his distinctive and highly illuminating exploration of Taoism. Osho offers penetrating commentary on the stories of Chinese philosopher Chuang Tzu, the tradition's founder, as well as inspirational anecdotes on the quest for love, spiritual understanding, and true happiness. The powerful combination of Taoist wisdom and Osho's insightful interpretation make this a true gem, appropriate for the growing audience interested in Eastern thought.
Anyone interested in putting your name "in the hat" needs to indicate such by 11:59 pm on May 31, 2010. After that juncture, a name will be drawn and the book will be shipped to the selected individual.

Next month (around this time) I will announce the book to be given away in July.


  1. Dear R.T.,

    I hereby proclaim my great interest in your Osho book. I have never read Osho, and I have always wanted to read Osho. In fact, if there were ever anything I would really prefer reading over the first week of summer, it would be Osho, and especially with some iced tea and sugar.

    Your generosity and imminent coolness is an inspiration to all would-be cool people. You're like Mr. Jesus. You teach by example.

    Yours Truly,


  2. I am also interested in When the Shoe Fits. I am a new e-mail subcriber and am very pleased to find this bog today!

    Thank you for this wonderful giveaway.

  3. BothEyes,
    Let's not go overboard! Still, I AM flattered to be compared to Mr. Jesus - Jesus Alou. He was one of my favorite outfielders for the SF Giants in the 1960s (though his brothers Manny & Felipe always got more press). :-D

    Welcome! Even if no one else expresses an interest, your "entry" means we can now have a drawing. :)

  4. Make that 3 people interested. I would love to read When The Shoe Fits.

    Whether I win or not, I love the idea of a give-away. I gave all my books away about 3 months ago and now I use this crazy thing called a library. Giving my books away was great. It gives me space back in my house, it's cheaper than buying, and I lots of great literature with others.

  5. TJ,
    Actually, the number is 4. One "entry" has already come in via the email route.

    Not only are libraries a valuable resource, but the internet itself provides numerous books and articles to read.

    Still, while I don't need to keep THAT many books, I do like the idea of keeping a few around on my nightstand.

  6. I would also like to register my interest in the book. I read (and love) your blog via RSS so don't usually comment. I wonder what it says about me that I'm commenting now :-)

  7. I come too late to get the OSHO book but would like to add some of my collection of books to the giveaway.
    Since I am poor in money, the person getting the book would have to pay postage, however. I also have some nice clothes for those who need them. Like the books, the postage deal also applies. I am trying to simplify my life as much as possible and my "things" do no good if not being used.


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