
Monday, May 3, 2010

An Open Invitation

One of the points I've written about numerous times is that the information, insight and opinion you find on this blog solely represents one man's thoughts on philosophical Taoism -- mine. While I genuinely hope that each post will impact your own thinking in some way, shape or form, nothing on this blog should be viewed as what Taoism is. Determining that is up to each person.

Two of the mechanisms I've employed to underscore this point are the extensive links to other Taoist blogs and highlighting these links in the New Voices Along the Path series. My Tumblr blog solely highlights the words and thoughts of others.

Recently, I have thought about underscoring this point further by transforming this blog from that of a single person to a team blog. Along these lines, a fellow has contacted me and I will soon be featuring his writings as a regular Guest Columnist. Scott doesn't have much experience with the blogging platform, so I will be handling the formatting end.

So, here's my invitation: If you have an interest in writing about philosophical Taoism and would like to join this blog as a writer, contact me. This invitation is open to those of you who don't have a blog of your own as well as to those of you who do. Re the latter, you could post original writings here or simply feature cross-posts from your current blog. And there will be no hard and fast stipulations as to how much or how little you post.

If one or more of you are interested, an "s" will be added to the name of this blog. It will be transformed into The Rambling Taoists. If no one is interested in this invitation, that's okay too. I leave the decision in your collective hands.


  1. Where are you on Tumblr? I'm here:

    Just started, though. Still trying to figure out all the Tumblr intricacies...


    It's the link used for "Blog posts that I recommend!" in the left sidebar.


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