
Thursday, May 6, 2010

Handling Zhuangzi (Chuang Tzu)

Since we're starting off on this long journey a bit sooner than I had originally planned, I had not yet decided on the format I would employ. For the Tao Te Ching, I shared the entirety of each verse. For the Wen Tzu, I predominantly shared portions of each verse.

So, for the Book of Chuang Tzu, I think I will adopt an eclectic style! For one thing, there will be at least two of us tackling part or all of this assignment. I'm not one to dictate to others the parameters and format of their own writing. We each utilize different styles and trying to match another person's style is a surefire method for interrupting flow.

Of course, another reason is the sheer size of the Chuang Tzu. Whether I make use of online versions or manually type it out, we're talking about over 300 pages and thousands upon thousands of words. I suspect there will be many times in which long passages need to be shared in order to understand the overall context. In such cases, I may divide the text itself between the quoted portion in one post followed by the commentary in the next and/or subsequent posts.

There will be other times in which I'll follow the tack used for the Wen Tzu with a snippet or two followed by the commentary in a singular post.

I'm sure there may also be times in which Scott and I end up writing about the same passage. That's quite okay because there are so many different insights, interpretations and nuances that we could both write for years and barely scratch the surface!

(Another tack I will adopt is to use the spelling of Zhuangzi in the titles henceforth. It's a bit shorter than Chuang Tzu and it's a nod to my fellow writer. However, it should be remembered that whether the word Zhuangzi or the words Chuang Tzu are utilized, they refer to the same person and the same book.)

I guess what I'm really trying to say is that Scott and I are going to make this up as we go along. That said, I do plan to use in my posts several different translations or versions simply to showcase the different flavors possible.

I'd like to say, "Now off we go," but we're already going, aren't we? :P