
Saturday, May 15, 2010

Finding Good in the Bad

I received a bit of bad news yesterday. However, instead of getting down about it, it actually uplifted my spirits a bit. Funny how that works sometimes!

As I've mentioned before, I have an ailing right shoulder. After the initial tests, I was told I had a torn ligament. Since this injury wasn't fully explained to me, I thought it indicated that said ligament was still attached to something and merely featured a tear in the intact connective tissue. That turns out not to be the case at all. My ligament is completely torn and part of it is dangling inside my shoulder. This has led to severe instability in the ball and joint as well as arthritis in the shoulder itself plus, possibly, arthritis in my elbow too.

What's worse is that, due to its location under the ball and joint, it may be inoperable. If this turns out to be the case -- I will be seeing a different orthopedic surgeon on Wednesday -- I simply will have to live with increased pain and limited functionality.

At about this juncture, you may be wondering HOW on earth this news could uplift my spirits.

As an individual with a slew of physical abnormalities, syndromes, conditions and ailments, a lot of people treat me like a hypochondriac! They act as if all my supposed pain and limitations exists only in my head. Outwardly, I look like a relatively normal chap, so my appearance only lends itself to the belief I'm making all this stuff up for attention or sympathy.

Consequently, being told by medical personnel that the reason I'm in such pain is that I should be is like a breath of fresh air!! It means the pain is not in my head; it's in my shoulder. Due to my diagnosis re my left hip, it means that pain is not in my head either; it's all down my leg.

While I certainly do NOT relish the rest of my life with a less than adequate functioning right shoulder OR one year of painful recovery from shoulder surgery, I do feel much better about the whole situation because it is now readily apparent that I ain't making this up.

It is what it is.


  1. I'm sorry to read that the problem might be inoperable, but I can certainly relate to the relief of knowing, and being able to prove, that it's NOT all in your head.

  2. Understanding from where a problem comes is certainly something that helps me feel better even if it doesn't solve the issue. Especially, if others think it is in my head. I hope it is operable or that something can be done for your pain. Pain sucks.


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