
Saturday, May 8, 2010

A Derivation on My Own Derivation

Earlier today I wrote about the repetitive nature of life. In the comments section, Baroness Radon made a witty remark about preparing to return to China and that's when it hit me: Repetition is just another word for return.

Life is about returning. Wherever we go and whatever we do, at the end of the day, we return to that which makes existence possible. We can't escape returning!

As the Taoist sages point out repeatedly, our lives represent a microcosm of all creation. Our existence -- just like everything else in existence -- is an arc that circles around so that life itself is a perpetual cycle of birth-death-rebirth-death-rebirth...

So, while repetition may seem aesthetically boring, it is the nature of being. We always return from whence we came.


  1. The endless rising and falling of yin and yang.
    I'll try to keep up with you from the Middle Kingdom...where there's wifi, there's a way!!

  2. That sounds like the makings of a hit country song!

    You don't love me (so you say), but where there's wifi, there is a way...


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