
Friday, April 9, 2010

The Road Ahead

I finally received the results from my X-Rays and MRI. The news is not good, not good at all. It seems my Legg-Calve'-Perthes Disease from childhood is finally catching up with me!! I've been warned since early adulthood that the day would come in which I would need to have my left hip replaced and it looks like that day may be on the immediate horizon.

The X-Rays show that I'm suffering from advanced Avascular Necrosis. While my wife and father were a bit alarmed at this diagnosis, it's pretty much what I expected. My hip pain has increased dramatically lately and the hip pops, crackles and creaks a good deal of the time.

Of course, that's not the only medical news I received today. In addition to my ailing hip, the MRI showed that I have a torn ligament in my right shoulder. Hmm. That goes a long way toward explaining why my shoulder hurts so damn much.

The next step is that my doctor will refer me to an orthopedic surgeon. It will be interesting to hear what course of action the surgeon recommends. Typically, one would think that the hip issue would be dealt with first, but my ailing shoulder complicates the matter. After hip surgery, a walker or crutches generally are in order, but I might not be able to use either effectively with a bum shoulder.

If the recommendation is to tackle the shoulder issue first, my research on the internet shows that recovery times can last from a few months to a year or more. My hip may not last that long.

But let's not get the cart before the horse. I'm merely speculating. I need to take this one step at a time and the next step is to go see the orthopedic surgeon.


  1. Wow, that's a boat load of "difficult" news to digest in one day. At least in print you seem to be taking it in stride - better than I would be managing. Hope it all works out as well as possible for you. We'll keep sending you positive thoughts.

  2. Well, it's not THAT surprising. If the doctor had told me my head was about to explode, then I might not cope so well. ;-) With an aching hip and shoulder, I already knew the diagnoses would go something like this.

    Besides, once I get more definitive info, that's when I'll start freaking out. :-D

  3. The other thing Sri Sri said tonight was that "the body is the most precious gift we have been given." But you are causing me to doubt the truth of this.

  4. HEY RE

    Wow, that certainly is a lot of info to absorb and sort through. The road ahead is paved with challenge - so go at a pace that you decide is good for you - I wil be sending you energy and wishes for all good outcomes.

    Love to you


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