
Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Losing Touch

One of the most disturbing aspects of last month's computer meltdown is that I've lost my email address book. I am presently unable to communicate with several individuals with whom I kept in regular or semi-regular contact. So, I'm going to take the extraordinary step of utilizing my blog for strictly personal reasons.

If any of the following people visit The Rambling Taoist today (or in the coming days), would you please send me an email (I'm backing up my address book online these days) so I know how to reach you in the future?
  • Bruce G. of Ohio
  • Val of North Carolina
  • Gail of (I actually don't know where you live)
  • Ta Wan of Australia
  • Forest Wisdom of Minnesota through North Carolina
  • Epoche/Dasein36 of (a location we can't list)
  • Alex R. of Canada
  • Iktomi of Wisconsin
  • Baroness Radon & Casey K. both from Hawaii
I know I'm leaving out several people. It's a high pain day for me and pain has a way of interfering with nimble thought processes. So, if you and I have ever communicated by email or if you'd like to, please drop me a line and I'll try not to lose your email address this time!

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