
Friday, February 19, 2010

Wen Tzu - Verse 151

from Verse One Hundred Fifty-One
In spring dead trees are felled, in summer fruits are harvested, in autumn nuts are stored, in winter firewood is gathered. These are the sustenance of the people, so that they do not lack for necessities and do not collapse and die.
~ Wen-tzu: Understanding the Mysteries ~
In order for a society to be in line with the Way, the basic needs of the people need to met. When people go hungry, it makes it that much more difficult for each to stay centered and balanced. When the body aches, it makes it that much more difficult to find one's path.

In modern society, I submit that -- like the four seasons -- it is imperative that 4 basic needs are met: good health, quality education, the ability to work, and adequate leisure time to explore oneself and to build community.

Good Health
Of course, it should go without saying that I believe the best way to meet the basic need of good health is via cradle-to-grave universal health care. But it involves far more than this. We need to quit developing and utilizing a whole host of processes and substances that harms the earth and its inhabitants. Universal health care will be of little use if we continue to use Planet Earth as a toilet bowl.

Quality Education
People who are better informed -- politically, psychologically, sociologically and spiritually -- are more apt to make well-formed decisions. Not only do we need a society that provides cradle-to-grave health care, but this needs to apply to education as well. A person never grows to the point in which there aren't a billion things to learn about the world and themselves.

Ability to Work
People find value and self-identity through learning a trade or a craft. It is through the discipline of mastering skills that we learn the art of wu wei. So, we need to develop a mechanism that will allow all people an avenue to use their intelligence and skills to benefit society and to provide each person with enough sustenance to live a productive and fulfilling life.

Adequate Leisure Time
All work and no play leaves people mentally and spiritually exhausted. As with all things, there must be a balance between discipline and free time, between activity and no activity.

This post is part of a series. For an introduction, go here.


  1. Totally agree. A friend who home schools her kids and forgets to feed them has got me thinking about balance compulsively.

    Many parents think that giving their kids strong academic training is all they need. They forget about their social skills and other aspects of life that are just as important.

  2. yep, as i've been pondering lately, i really don't have much brain energy for deep thought when i'm sleep deprived! hopefully that will change soon though :)


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