
Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Wen Tzu - Verse 125

from Verse One Hundred Twenty-Five
In ancient times, those who stood up as lords and kings did not do so to serve their desires, and sages who rejected rank did not do so for their own personal comfort. It was because the strong among the people oppressed the weak, majorities did violence to minorities, the cunning deceived the ignorant, and the strong invaded the weak. It was also because those with knowledge did not teach, and those who accumulated wealth did not share it.
~ Wen-tzu: Understanding the Mysteries ~
It's sad that things haven't changed much in a few thousand years! It sounds like Lao Tzu easily could be describing current society.

In this modern era,
  • the strong continue to oppress the weak;
  • majorities commit violence against minorities;
  • the cunning spin information to deceive the public;
  • the stronger nations invade the weaker ones;
  • often the wise are not allowed to teach or are drowned out by the far less wise;
  • and the rich hoard their wealth.
Even worse, the political system in the US is set up today in a manner that doesn't allow the best candidates to shine. It's all about money, mudslinging and sound bytes. If you are well connected and favored by the elite, your path is greased toward success. If you lack both -- regardless of your position on the issues -- you have about as much chance of success as a rock!

This post is part of a series. For an introduction, go here.


  1. Lao Tzu is saying what any old codger, in any age, is prone to say:
    "In my day, things were different".
    He refers ro "ancient times".
    For him, that means considerably before 500 B.C.
    So even in his day, things appear to have gone to rot.
    Thus all the conditions he mentions have a long and illustrious tradition.
    Normal, you might say.

  2. ... past-present-future 'occur' simultaneously. Like infinite chances... 'til we'll 'reach' awareness.


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