
Thursday, December 10, 2009

Wen Tzu - Verse 66, Part II

from Verse Sixty-Four
Therefore those who are not regretful even though they be poor and lowly have found what they value.
~ Wen-tzu: Understanding the Mysteries ~
If given the choice, I believe that most people would choose to be rich (or abundantly comfortable) and well-respected and looked up to in their community. In many ways, having the economic resources to meet one's basic needs and beyond frees us from most day-to-day financial worries and provides the opportunity to pursue knowledge, art, hobbies and travel.

But whether any of us is rich or poor doesn't mean that much when we reach the end of the road. I'm relatively confident that wherever we end up -- if anywhere -- it's not going to be determined by who has the most in the checking account or how famous one is. In death as in birth, everything is equal.

Consequently, the value any of us finds in this life is not tied to those aspects that satisfy our many desires. It is something more primeval and basic.

This post is part of a series. For an introduction, go here.

1 comment:

  1. I am often shocked at the attitude of the local "poor", of which there are a large number. I could describe it as resentment, verging upon hatred, for the local "rich".

    I have spent most of my years being just as poor, or far poorer, yet never did I blame my state on anybody else.

    I learned to live - quite happily - with next to nothing, and for periods, with absolutely nothing.

    Owing - I believe - to the use of my free time to seek out knowledge, rather than lie around getting drunk, stoned and whining at the unfairness of it all, I now find myself seriously not-poor.

    One's time, and what one fills it with, is entirely one's own choice.
    Being poor is a far better opportunity than many people ever have, to learn to appreciate life.
    I am very fortunate indeed in that having learned to appreciate life with almost nothing, now I can enjoy comfort as well.

    At least, until I find myself poor again...


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