
Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Wen Tzu - Verse 63

Verse Sixty-Three
People have three resentments. Those whose status is high are envied by others. Those whose offices are important are hated by rulers. Those whose income is large are resented by others.

So the higher the status, the humbler one should be; the greater the office, the more careful one should be; and the larger the income, the more generous one should be. Those who exercise these three things are not resented.

Therefore nobility is based on lowliness, elevation is founded on humility.
~ Wen-tzu: Understanding the Mysteries ~
Here again we have one of those verses that I believe is a bit dangerous. The great danger is that each of us will think that Lao Tzu's message is aimed at someone other than us. If we don't enjoy high status, position or income, then it's patently obvious that he's referring to them, not me.

The problem is that each of us is higher in status or position or has a greater income than someone else. Statistically, we might land in the bottom strata of our nation or society, but compared to people in other nations or societies we might look like the King of Siam!!

So, for me, this verse is NOT aimed at particular members of a given society; the bullseye is drawn squarely on each of us equally. Lao Tzu's suggestions should be taken to heart by all. Those who are most humble, careful and generous are less apt to be resented by anyone else.

This post is part of a series. For an introduction, go here.

1 comment:

  1. This amused me somewhat.
    My own experience is this:
    There are a lot of self-styled "poor" where I live. They blame the "rich" for their poverty. Feeling their need to make money, I have hired a few of them, across a few years, to do things I could easily do myself.
    None has done a job I couldn't have done better. Some have done their work so poorly that in addition to paying them, I have had to undo and redo it all myself.
    But most of all: all have resented me for being in a position to be able to employ them at all.
    Even giving money away results in open hatred when the giving fails to be endless.
    So sometimes, generousity defeats itself.
    Sad but true.


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