
Thursday, December 3, 2009

Wen Tzu - Verse 48

from Verse Forty-Eight
"Faithfulness" is inexhaustible.
~ Wen-tzu: Understanding the Mysteries ~
When we have utter faith in something -- we believe in our heart of hearts that it is true -- there is no limit to our devotion. We will run to the ends of the earth and back again.

I suppose, in one way, having faith is laudable. Believing in an idea or concept with all our being should permeate all we think and do. It should have a revolutionary affect on our lives.

But the problem with faith is that it's ego-based. It is derived from distinction. A Taoist doesn't need faith to explain what cannot be explained. Embracing the Way needs no devotion.

Faith is fullness of belief. Embracing Tao comes from emptying ourselves.

This post is part of a series. For an introduction, go here.


  1. i am faithful to my husband. :) i'd like to think that it's limitless but i know that it's not. there are a lot of reasons i would want a divorce, but i really hope it doesn't come to that!

  2. "I don't have faith in faith
    I don't believe in belief
    You can call me faithless
    I still cling to hope
    And I believe in love
    And that's faith enough for me"

    Faithless, lyrics by Neil Peart

  3. Belief is not in fact,
    faith is how we act.

    I don't know who said that, maybe it was me.

  4. Iktomi,
    I'm sure he doesn't either!



  5. These are the exact words I've been looking for when trying to explain why I don't have faith or believe in religion or put my faith in a god. I was raised independent fundamental baptist and the word faith was hammered into me from very early on. As an adult, faith meant nothing to me because I never felt I needed to have faith in a thing or idea. I just was, and I was content. Thanks, this is exactly what I needed!


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