
Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Real Life Tao - Who Does He Think He Is?

I realize that some people who stop by this blog to read my musings on the Tao Te Ching, Hua Hu Ching and Wen Tzu may think I'm really full of myself. Each day I pen a number of posts that utilize a specific verse or passage as a springboard. Some of my thoughts may seem glib, others haughty. Some may seem that I fancy myself as one of the enlightened few and I am benevolently sharing my keen wisdom and insights with you lowly beings.

So, I'm fairly certain that a significant number of you may ask: Who in the hell does this guy think he is?

The answer is that I'm no better nor worse than anyone else. I struggle with the same demons that other people do and some rather unique ones of my own making! I certainly don't live the kind of life that I wax eloquently about. I make distinctions, hold onto things and fight against the flow all the time.

My gift -- the one you see splattered across this blog -- is the ability to stand outside of myself from time to time. I can sometimes see the path laid out before me; I'm just not all that good of actually walking on it! ;>)

I can tell you that spending all this time on deep contemplation over the words of Lao Tzu and then sharing my musings of such in this space has had a definite impact on me. I've learned much about the world, many of you and myself over the past year. The discipline of reading and writing has proven very beneficial and, regardless of whether or not my thoughts have had an effect on you, they certainly have on me!

If nothing else, maintaining this blog has lit the way for me to become a person who might follow Tao. I still have a long, long, long way to go, but for the first time in my life, I can vaguely see where the middle path leads. My next task is to step firmly unto that path -- of course, in its utter simplicity, that tends to be the hardest step of all!

This post is part of a series. For an introduction, go here.


  1. I had long been hoping you would write something like this.
    Whether or not you intended it: ego often seems to rear its head in your writings. And ego is like an odourless, colourless, tasteless gas that surrounds other people, but never oneself.
    It is the most accomplished of assassins, lying in wait to ambush us.
    I wear camouflage clothing, lately (the Realtree AP design that my wife so loves), in a symbolic attempt to outwit and defeat the ego that is forever trying to sneak up on me.
    That said: ego is a worthy opponent. I admire its tenacity, and its unshakeable belief in itself.

  2. ego often seems to rear its head in your writings.

    I'm certain it does. I have an ego like everyone else and it likes to make itself known, even at times when I wish it wouldn't. :(

  3. If I'm not mistaken--and I don't think I am-- I think you have written a few posts similar to this one through the year or so that I have been reading your blog.
    You have made it very clear along the way that you are not writing to proclaim or to convert, but that you do this do share.... You share the wisdom of the sages (without staging it as your own wisdom) and you share your gift of words. And for that, I am happy reader. : )

  4. Val,
    You're correct! I do post entries of this nature, from time to time. One reason is that, like any blog, there are always new readers who may not have read that many previous entries.

    Of course, there is a second reason -- It helps to keep my own ego in check! Like everyone else I know, my ego can start bursting out of its seams. So, it's good to remind all concerned -- including me -- that I'm yet another bumpkin stumbling down the road.

  5. I think I speak for more than a few of your readers when I say:
    A Bumpkin, you are not.
    I - for one - appreciate greatly what you are doing. I would do it myself if I thought I could do it better.
    But I know I couldn't.

  6. I'm stumblin' right along with you, buddy. :)

    PS: 3 finals down. 1 to go. I'll be done on Thursday! :)

  7. Crow,
    I genuinely appreciate your kind words, but I'm still a bumpkin, no less. In fact, I rather delight in the fact that I am. :)

    I bet your mind is on overload!! The holiday break will provide you more time to spend with your children AND to allow you some space to recharge your batteries...for next semester.

  8. We're all full of ourselves. Who else would we be full of? And we're all on that same road. I'm in my high mileage sporty roadster, someone else in their brand new SUV, another guy (who I envy) in a big old Kenworth tractor. Some of us have different loads to haul, some go faster, ruder, slower, or crash on the way.

    Honk if you hear me. I'm honking back.

  9. We're all full of ourselves. Who else would we be full of?

    Excellent point!!!

  10. I've never been a role playing gamer, in fact I've only played once in my life. But in that context (because it's fun to be creative!):

    Each of us are bringing very powerful character sheets to the table. We all look over at you, our Dungeon Master. We smile and we laugh and we all look forward to a romping good time every time we gather here. You lay out the scenery and we all get to act out our best and our worst. And we'll be back again and again because we all appreciate each other and your sharing.

  11. If you are happy with what you are doing and writing, who cares what anyone else thinks or feels? This blog is really about your thoughts & feelings. Lucky us get to read about your thoughts and feelings as you make the journey and we learn from that. You have no need to apologize or explain. Keep on writing!



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