
Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Wen Tzu - Verse 7, Part I

from Verse Seven
The essential nature of the original human being has no perversion or defilement, but after long immersion in things it easily changes, so we forget our roots and conform to a seeming nature.

The essential nature of water likes clarity, but gravel pollutes it. The essential nature of humanity likes peace, but habitual desires damage it. Only sages can leave things and return to self.
~ Wen-tzu: Understanding the Mysteries ~
If we look at all the violence* in the world today, all of it stems from desire. On the larger level, we may dress it up in important sounding terms like national security or national interests, but it basically boils down to coveting something we don't have or protecting what we do have from others who covet it!

Come to think of it, that really sums up violence on the personal level too. Desire is the fuel for the engine and we feed the engine constantly. Since our desires often conflict, is it any wonder that the roar of billions of engines revving up is so deafening?

*Note: I mean violence in ALL its various forms: physical, emotional, spiritual, verbal, written, economic, religious, etc.

This post is part of a series. For an introduction, go here.

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