
Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Books on Taoism

I've added a new section to the right sidebar, Books on Taoism. Some of them I own. Some of them I've checked out from the library. Some of them I haven't read, but would like to.

All the links go to Why? Amazon is a Washington-based company and I believe in supporting local and/or regional economies. No, it's not based in South Bend -- actually we have NO book stores here -- but it is out of the Seattle metro area.

If you know of a good book on Taoism -- particularly one you've read and it spoke to you -- please mention it in the comments section and I will add it to the sidebar.

As with all things Tao, there is no definitive book on the subject. Each one has strengths and weaknesses. Each one speaks to different people in different ways.

Of course, some are better than others, but that's a personal decision for each of us to make.


  1. I think my favorite is still the 365 Tao by Deng Ming Tao. This one got me into a daily Tao practice, and really "healed" me in a way I'll forever be grateful for.

  2. Thanks. It's been added. Maybe it can help to "heal" others.

  3. May I suggest Original Dao by,Harold Roth.Pre TTJ Taoism.Very Practical .

  4. Walter,
    Thanks for the suggestion. It's been added.


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