
Tuesday, July 14, 2009

You've Got My Number

As I've continued my civil discussion over at the Pugnacious Irishman, I've run into one of the absurdities of this type of dialog. While Christians argue that God is available for all who seek him, it appears that, concurrently, he doesn't make house calls! I'm still trying to wrap my head around this one.

This thread of the discussion came up when the blog's host asked me what it would take for me to believe that the Christian God is real. Hmm, I thought. Well, I suppose he could pop into my head and introduce himself.

By the response I received, you might have thought that I had suggested that God don a frilly wig and high heels, then set himself on fire in the village square. I was informed that God doesn't need to "jump through hoops" nor perform tricks.

I'm sorry, but I don't consider a short mental phone call to one of his "children" to be an outrageous request. We're talking about a being that is purported to be omnipresent and omniscient. How much time and effort would it take an all powerful being to pop in for a 5 minute parlay?

But here's what gets me. Whenever we get into these kinds of discussions and I ask the question, "How do you KNOW that God exists?", one of the typical replies is that this person has talked to God. So, it seems that having these types of conversations is fine and good EXCEPT when I ask to talk to him, then, all of a sudden, it's out of bounds!

If this all powerful being (that I don't believe in) really wants to make himself known to me, pick up the celestial phone. I'm sure you've got my number. If not, try directory assistance. I'm in the book.


  1. HI R T

    There is no argument for your clear logic.

    Love to you

  2. I get the argument a lot that he doesn't need to PROVE to anyone that he exists and that you have to have faith- If you have faith in him THEN he'll talk to you. . . . tried that route when i was younger, still never met the guy.


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