
Thursday, June 4, 2009

The Last Line

If you cannot be a poet, be the poem.
~ David Carradine ~

David Carradine, who became famous for the role of Caine in the Kung Fu 70s TV series, died yesterday of suspicious circumstances. Unconfirmed reports indicate he hanged himself.

Interestingly enough, Carradine knew nothing of the martial arts nor eastern philosophy before winning the role of Caine. However, the TV show changed his life. He studied the eastern philosophies and they became the framework for his life from that point on.

I think many of us westerners who have become Taoists have followed a similar trajectory. Something sparks an interest at some point in our lives and it changes our outlook forever. I know this certainly fits me to a T.

Most of the eastern philosophies -- Taoism, Buddhism, Zen and Confuciousism -- aren't part of the typical menu for a child or adult in the western world. None of them are part of typical education or socialization. While the average kid growing up in America has a vague idea of what it means to be Baptist, Catholic, Jewish or Lutheran, most have never heard of the word, Tao.

Consequently, to discover Taoism and/or the other eastern philosophies takes one of two things: blind luck or an open inquisitive search. In many cases, it's really a combination of the two.


  1. I don't want to appear judgmental, but, if he really did commit suicide, how did Eastern philosophies enhance his life?

    My question is NOT a rhetorical one. Any answers will be appreciated.

  2. Hi R T -

    How are you?

    I like this post. I know what you mean about not being exposed to other religions/philosophies. I was warned, as a kid, to NOT hang out too much with protestants!!! We were Catholic/Italian - which, we were taught, was the only SURE way to heaven. I have evolved since then, Amen.

    And Lorena - as far as the possible suicide? Religion, eastern or otherwise is not a guarantee for anything ....

  3. Thanks, Gail.

  4. Lorena,
    I tried to address your question in the subsequent post. You'll have to decide if I addressed it well. ;)

    In my household growing up, I wasn't warned against anyone of any religious persuasion. No, our warning was about Republicans!! :D) I haven't evolved past it, thank goodness.


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