
Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Simple Pleasures

Most anyone I know would love to win millions in the lottery. A lot of people dream of hobnobbing with the stars, vacationing at exotic destinations or buying fancy cars and exquisite wines. While I suppose such things are well and good, I find great joy in the simple pleasures in life -- those sorts of things and events that don't cost a lot or any money and can happen at anytime to break up a routine day.

Below, in no particular order, are some of my simple pleasures.
  • A Hot Shower -- Because of the pain of fibromyalgia and degenerative arthritis, a hot shower or bath often takes the edge off of the chronic ache. It doesn't last that long, but even a brief refuge has its merits.
  • A Massage -- For the same reasons above. In addition, my wife has very therapeutic hands and all it costs me is a kiss or two. :)
  • Peanut Butter -- I love PB! I add it to smoothies and my morning oatmeal. I eat it on toast, pancakes, waffles and bread. Add chocolate to the mix and I reach nirvana!
  • Thunderstorms -- Not the severe type that destroy property and kill/maim people, just a plain 'ol thunderstorm with sheets of rain, flashes of light and loud claps of thunder.
  • Spending Time with my Family -- We don't have to do anything special. Just being together is enough.
  • Miniature Golf -- My wife & I played a game on our wedding night!! I know this may sound dorky, but it's fun.
  • Reading a Good Book -- It's nice to climb outside my mind into the thoughts or life of someone else.
What are some of your simple pleasures? You can share your answer in the comments section or in your own mind.


  1. - Drinking hot herbal tea as I watch a literature based movie, such as a Jane Austen, Jane Eyre, Dickens, etc.

    - Read literature. I love it with a passion

    - Watch a good crime show, like Criminal Minds

    - Walk with my husband on a sunny day in a wooden area

    - I love baking bread

    - Cooking exotic food (Indian, Greek, Mexican, etc.)

    - Steam bathing and Whirlpooling (have a membership at a cheap gym)

  2. Peanut Butter + Chocolate, or
    Chocolate + Peanut Butter

    Oh yeah, that's as good as it gets....

    And this was a great post. Why? Because you made me think in a certain way...that I needed to think today...not of the world's problems/solutions, not of deep philosophical/religious/socio-economic shtuff....

    But of the world right in front of my nose. Thank you. I shall now go away and ponder this...and perhaps write my own list....

    Maybe you'll see how this dovetails, maybe not, but I'll share something a friend said to me just yesterday that won't leave me. It's simple and profound and it struck me:

    I try to be awake when I am awake.

    Thanks for the wake up, RT.


  3. I love this post, too. As you know, I'm all about the simple pleasures in life. I grew up on peanut butter down here in NC and now I like a smoothie with chocolate soy milk, a little peanut butter, and a banana. Tastes so good and it's good for me, too! Thanks for the reminder that simple things are so cozying up reading a good book or watching a good mystery while it's raining outside :)

  4. The way Meggie says in the sweetest little two-year-old voice (and with no prompting), "I wuv you, Mommy".

    The way Chris takes a sudden break from playing to run to me and give me a quick kiss.

    The way that John snuggles his little brother and sister to the point they almost can't stand it anymore.



    Tossing a softball or football.

    Punting a football or soccer ball with my bare feet.

    Strong black coffee.

    Chocolate peanut butter cup ice cream.

  5. The great thing about lists of this sort is that there are no right or wrong answers. It's what works for you or me, not anyone else.

    That said, we seem to have quite a few PB & chocolate lovers here. That's how I know you're all good people. :D)

  6. My dog's excitement when we're walking to the gates of the dog park.

    Watching/ listening to my son play the sax.

    Quality time with the wife.

  7. - Mud

    - Old sticks

    - Bugs

    - Shit covered stick

    - Ephemera

    - Grouchy people


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