
Saturday, March 7, 2009

Follow Me

Blogger recently upgraded (?) their follower widget. I suppose that's all well and good for those folks who have switched over to Layouts, but I'm still using the Classic Template and I don't plan on changing this anytime soon. The upshot of this change is that, though I can see that there are 16 Followers of this blog, I have no idea who the most recent 4 are -- I was able to access the list from the Dashboard up until a week or so ago when there were 12.

I don't know if this glitch is a temporary or permanent one. My guess is that it's the latter. So, if you'd like to be listed in the right column under "Folks Who Follow This Blog", we're going to have to come up with our own workaround.

Here's what you need to do: First, click on my name "Trey Smith" under the About section in the left column -- this should open your email program. Second, send me an email with the following info:
  1. Your name or handle
  2. What name you wanted listed
  3. The name and url of your blog.
In essence, the way I list followers is a way for you to advertise your blog. As I've written here many times, while I like the fact that folks come here to read my thoughts, I'm just as overjoyed to direct them to your blog to read your thoughts. The more people have to read, the more people have to contemplate and, in my book, contemplation ain't no bad thing!


Addendum: I realize that some people may follow TRT via BlogLines, a news reader or some other format. If this describes you, you can take advantage of this offer too. It's not reserved for folks solely with Blogger accounts. It's simply my way of saying thanks for your "patronage" by promoting your blog.

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