
Monday, February 2, 2009

The Blank Screen

With a title such as this, one might think I'm going to launch into the use of metaphor to describe one of the many facets of Taoism. However, when I write "blank screen", I mean it literally! You turn on our television today and all one sees is black.

This is yet another example of the pitfalls of poverty. My wife & I have tried to pare down our ongoing bills as much as possible -- we've canceled our newspaper subscription, a few magazines, our blockbuster account and we rarely go out -- yet, it never seems to be enough. We had tried to keep up with our cable bill because a) being located where we are, it's difficult to pick up any local stations and b) it was a relatively cheap form of entertainment.

So, now we're left we no TV at all. I realize that many of you have chucked your TV and it may not be the worst thing in the world not to have cable, but this wasn't a conscious and planned decision on our part.

Hopefully, we won't lose our internet capability next. That potentiality would REALLY depress me.


  1. Finally! Someone else who doesn't have cable!

    As for internet, they will have to pry my modem from my cold dead hands.

  2. Maybe we should start a club -- Non-Cablelites of America. :-)


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