
Sunday, January 1, 2006

Psychologist Weighs In on Bush’s Pathology

I recently ran across an eye-opening interview in the Cascadian Journal of Forensic Science & Pathology. In this article, world-renowned forensic psychologist Dr. Herbert Cary explains his findings regarding a study of the pathology of President Bush. Below is an excerpt from the interview. (Note: I have yet to find a copy of the article on line.)
Interviewer: Dr. Cary, you’ve spent the past 5 years studying the behaviors of President George W. Bush. What conclusions have you reached?

Cary: The president exhibits an intersection of pathologies, a mix of several definitive classifications. However, since the president has steadfastly refused to sit down to talk with me, I am unable to say, with any degree of certainty, the root causes of these pathologies.

Interviewer: If you haven’t spoken with the president, how can you sit here today and discuss his alleged pathologies at all?

Cary: As a public figure, much of the president’s behavior has been captured both in the print media and on film. In addition, I have been able to interview many members of his family and several of his closest friends and associates. While, in a clinical sense, this falls short of the threshold needed to make a precise diagnosis, I believe I have gathered enough information to offer a general understanding of what drives the man.

Interviewer: In last month’s edition of this Journal, you wrote that the president has a pathology that is congruent with that of a serial killer. Would you explain?

Cary: The classic definition of a serial killer is someone who, on multiple occasions, is responsible for the murder of people previously unknown to the killer.

Interviewer: I must interrupt for a moment. As far as I know, George W. Bush has killed no one. How can you begin to lump him in with serial killers like Ted Bundy and the Zodiac killer?

Cary: While it is true that Mr. Bush may have killed no one by his own hand, he is personally responsible for the deaths of tens of thousands of Afghans & Iraqis, not to mention U.S. servicemen. And like several other serial killers I’ve studied over the past thirty years, his drive to have these people killed is classified as mission-oriented. He believes the killings are justified because their deaths will benefit society.

Interviewer: You said that Mr. Bush has an “intersection of pathologies”. What do you mean by that?

Cary: Most people responsible for the murder of five or more individuals are classified in one of three ways: serial killer, mass murderer or spree killer. In general, these are distinct classifications that define the motives and methods of the responsible individual. While there have been times that a killer might fall under two of these classifications, Mr. Bush is the first individual who meets some of the criteria of all three.

Interviewer: How so?

Cary: The sheer number of murdered victims lends itself well to defining the acts as mass murder. And, like a spree killer, the murders have occurred in different places and at different times. The very fact that, it could be argued, Mr. Bush meets some or all of the definitions of these three classification has motivated me to determine that we should now add a fourth classification to the list.

I have named this fourth classification dubyaholism. We can then refer to Bush as a dubyaholic.

Interviewer: What are the distinguishing characteristics of a dubyaholic?

Cary: A dubyaholic believes that God has ordered him/her to hasten the arrival of Armageddon by committing ritualistic murders across the globe. Because the individual believes he/she is receiving instructions from a higher authority, the person should not be constrained by earthly things like ethics, treaties, conventions, laws and constitutions.

This person will not actually perform any of the murders her/himself, but will possess the power to order others to do it. They will portray these acts of murder as being a mechanism to protect national security and national honor. And, anyone who disagrees with them will be labeled either as unpatriotic or an enemy sympathizer.

Interviewer: An individual such as that would be classified as insane, wouldn’t they?

Cary: Most definitely.

1 comment:

  1. This is just plain scary. I think Dubya's got a real shot at getting into the Guiness Book of World Records as the first American president to incinerate the world


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