Sunday, October 13, 2013

Inner Coherence in the Inner Chapters

Scott Bradley

In making his case for the temporal priority of the Inner Chapters to the Outer and Miscellaneous Chapters, Liu Xiaogan (Classifying the Zhuangzi Chapters) also demonstrates how these seven chapters have their own inner coherence. Chapter speaks to chapter. One way in which he does this is to show similarities of phrasing between the chapters. The following are some of these instances which I offer simply because they are yet another way to approach Zhuangzi. Liu lists them without commentary and I will do the same.
"He mounts the clouds and mist, rides a flying dragon, and wanders beyond the four seas." (1)

"He mounts the clouds and mist, rides the sun and moon, and wanders beyond the four seas." (2)

"Pacing up and down, do nothing at its side, or lie down to rest free and easy beneath it." (1)

"Pacing up and down beyond the dust and dirt, they pursue a career of free and easy wandering in having no-action." (6)

"Plant it in the realm of nothing whatsoever, in the wild expanses that go on forever.” (1)

“Wander in the realm of nothing whatsoever to live in the broad, borderless expanses.” (7)

"Day and night alternate before our very eyes, yet no one knows from whence they arise." (2)

"Day and night alternate before our eyes, yet our wisdom cannot delineate their beginnings." (5)

"How do I know what I call knowing is not really not knowing? How do I know what I call not knowing isn't really knowing?" (2)

"How do I know what I call Heaven is not really man and what I call man isn't really Heaven?" (6)

"Ride along with things and let your mind wander." (4)

"Let your mind wander in the harmony of virtue." (5)

"Let your mind wander in indifference." (3)

“He constantly accords with what is natural and does not add anything extra to life." (5)

“Accord with things and what is natural, leave no room for selfishness.” (3)
You can check out Scott's writings on Zhuangzi here.

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